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Sea View Community Primary School

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Forest Phase


Adults working in the class

Miss Davies, Miss Abram, Miss Smith, Mrs Slee, Mrs Hellard, Miss Stewart, Mrs Stewart (supply cover) and Mrs Pascoe

Mr Tiltman is currently teaching in Y3 but he will keep popping into Forest Phase.

Our Topic is...


Traditional Stories and Nursery Rhymes


In the Spring Term, Forest Phase will embark on a journey through Traditional Stories and Nursery Rhymes, where we will develop our understanding of the natural world by investigating and exploring our surroundings, enhancing our phonological and mathematical awareness, engaging in problem-solving activities, and enjoying songs and stories, all starting with our exciting participation in the Big Bird Watch in January.



Please ensure all clothing, coats, bags, water bottles and wellies are labelled clearly with your child's name.

Extra changes of clothing and underwear is always a good idea in case an accident happens whilst busy learning.

Outdoor learning

Please bring your wellies and waterproofs on a Wednesday for our welly walk.

Reading expectations

The children will bring home a book from school every Friday for you to read with them. There will be an activity for you to complete with them in the reading record. Please return the books the following Wednesday. 

SnackWe have a Snack Bar which has a variety of fruit, toast, milk and water.  Children can access the snack bar independently and throughout the day.  We ask for a contribution of 50p a week or £2.00 a month to be given on a Monday.


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