Well-being Advice for Parents and Carers
You may find the following sites helpful:
COVID 19 & Child Wellbeing
Sea View Community Primary School is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites.
Here are some useful links :
- Coronavirus – a book for children - a free information book explaining the coronavirus to children, illustrated by Gruffalo illustrator Axel Scheffler
- Department for Education – DfE guidance for supporting children and young people’s mental health during the COVID-19 outbreak
- Young Minds - Visit the Coronavirus advice and mental health support advice
- Mental Health Foundation - Top tips for open and honest conversation regarding the pandemic
- NSPCC – Advice to support children struggling with their mental health or anxiety about COVID-19.
- Save the Children - As leading experts on childhood Save the Children are sharing drama-based relaxation exercises which are part of their * HEART program for children living in stressful situations (*Healing and Education through the Arts
- Children’s Commissioner - A relevant and interesting blog with links to resources to support young people and their mental health