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Sea View Community Primary School

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Year 2/Blwyddyn 2

Adults working in the class

Teachers: Miss Davies

Teaching Assistants:  Miss Thomas and Miss Hughes.

Autumn term topic

Time Machine


Our Big question will be "How has the seaside changed?"


This term we will be looking how the Sea side has changed over the years and how jobs have evolved over time.  We will be concentrating our learning on Swansea Bay and Mumbles.

Outdoor learning

We will be getting outside as much as possible therefore please make sure you send in appropriate clothing every day e.g. a sun hat or warm coat.

Please send in wellies with names on them to be stored in school.

Outdoor Learning Session in the Wooded area is on Wednesday.

Homework Days

Literacy and Numeracy homework will be handed out on Monday and will need to be returned on Friday.

Reading expectations

Children are expected to read at home every day. A reading record has been sent home for you to record your comments about your child's reading.

You can use the reading books supplied by the school or the e-books available on Oxford Owl. 

Username - seaview28

Password - seaview28


Your child will participate in a number of reading activities during the week such as phonics, whole-class reading, guided reading (English and Welsh and reading tasks).


We will provide sound mats in every child's reading folder. There are 'Tricky Words' sent home which are to be practised at home.

P.E. days

PE / sporting activities will take place on a Tuesday

Children should be dressed appropriately on these days and be wearing trainers.

In order for the children to make positive and healthy choices to look after their health and well being we will provide daily opportunities for the children to develop their physical literacy skills.


Your child has been issued with a digital passport which has their HWB username and password. It also has log in details for a range of online learning opportunities such as TT Rockstars, Nessy etc. Please keep this safe so the children can use it for their learning at home.


Dinner Money 

Dinner money (payable via iPayimpact)

Please ensure that your account is up to date.

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