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Sea View Community Primary School

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Year 3/Blwyddyn 3

Adults working in the class

Mrs Bevan – Y3 Class Teacher

 Mr Wright, Mrs Coxen/Mrs Driscol


Our topic is...


We have chosen to focus on the historical aspect to this exciting topic. The learners’ journey through this topic will encourage enquiry and discovery, as they are challenged to be curious and to question, to think critically and to reflect upon evidence.. Such thinking will help us answer our big question, "How do disasters impact our world?"



Outdoor learning


Please wear appropriate footwear and clothing


Homework Days

New homework will go out on a Monday

Please return by Friday 


Reading expectations

We expect the children to read for 10 minutes everyday.  Reading book are to be brought in daily. The children will be able to change their reading books on Monday and Wednesdays.

You can use the reading books supplied by the school or the e-books available on Oxford Owl. 

Username - seaview26

Password - seaview26


Your child will participate in a number of reading activities during the week such as whole class reading, guided reading (English and Welsh and reading tasks).



New words will be given out on Mondays. Tests will be carried out Monday.


P.E. days

Every Friday

This term the children will be improving their agility, balance and coordination skills.

Please ensure children have appropriate clothing.


In order for the children to make positive and healthy choices to look after their health and well being we will provide daily opportunities for the children to develop their physical literacy skills.



We are extremely fortunate to have a Google Chromebook per child in class, as well as a number of iPads. Children also have access to our Google Classroom at home through their Hwb accounts.


Dinner money

(payable via sQuid)

Please ensure that your account is up to date.


School website
