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Adults working in the class | Mr Whyte - Y5 Class Teacher Mrs Davies, Mrs Wright and Mrs Masters
Mrs Coxon- PPA Cover (Tuesday Morning)
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Our topic is... | Our current topic is: The Victorians - we have looked at Victorian schools and what Mayhill looked like before and after Sea View was built. We have also begun learning how the industrial revolution or "Copperopolis" made Swansea the city that it is today.
We will go on a trip to Swansea Museum and take a ride on the Copper Jack boat to learn more. A local metal sculptor will visit us this term to teach the children how to engrave a copper sheet of metal and about her career as an artist. | |
Outdoor learning | Thursday Please wear appropriate footwear and clothing. We will get messy so please don't wear new clothes. | |
Homework Days | Homework is reading. Please encourage your child to read as much as they can both independently and with you listening whenever possible. | |
Reading expectations | We expect the children to read for 10 minutes everyday. Reading packs are to be brought in daily. You can use the reading books supplied by the school or the e-books available on Oxford Owl. Username - seaview23 Password - seaview23
Your child will participate in a number of reading activities during the week such as whole class reading, guided reading (English and Welsh and reading tasks). | |
Spelling | TBC | |
P.E. days | Tuesday We will be developing our core PE skills. Pupils need to bring their PE kit in a bag to change into before the PE lesson.
Please remember no jewellery is to be worn for any PE.
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ICT | We are extremely fortunate to have a Google Chromebook per child in class, as well as a number of iPads. Children also have access to our Google Classroom at home through their Hwb accounts. | |
Dinner money | (payable via ipayimpact) Please ensure that your account is up to date. | |
School website |